Now our Minds our One...
The movement at Standing Rock,
and the tragedy of Allepo,
awaken us to the root of what is amiss
at the very foundation of our existence...
Imagine a world were every individual understood
and was in service to, their place in the sacred circle of life.
Nothing can exist without the life of another....
Click title for the rest...
Truly Grateful...
amplified by gratitude and grounding...
I am so grateful for all of you...
Extra Kindness 🌺
wether it is time, money or ability,
the tendency is to get more demanding of ourselves
and let the inner dialog of judgement "school" us into action....
Continue Being the Change...
What to say...
I am allowing myself to grieve.
I am grieving what feels like a big step backward.
But, The dance Continues
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Bad Lunch Dates...
The joys of Inner dialog:
When The Pusher, The Should Voice, The Critic, and The perfectionist
decide to join you for lunch...
The Pusher says ~"You know what your gifts are, the world needs them.
You MUST share them!
It is what you were put on earth to do!".....
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Stories, fish, and Tribe ❤️
The new story of humanity = inter-being
🌪 Stay our Course ⛵️
There is a lot going on.
After watching the third presidential debate last night and catching some of the news,
I can feel a powerful vortex of fear.
The greatest single controlling force is our collective fear.
I urge us all to fully feel the emotions that arise within us,
but not let the thoughts that occur in their wake be our masters....
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An Out-Pouring of Love 🙏🏽
After sharing last week about un-coupling there has been the most
delicious out pouring of love, wisdom, gratitude and revealing.
Impromptu conversations on my beach walks, at Trader Joes, the gas pump, the ladies room and of course in the studio (where authentic and meaningful conversation happen with regularity!).
A plethora of emails and texts, even a few phone calls (are phone calls really slipping into oblivion?)
And the spectrum of humanity was reflected back; ....
click above to read the rest
Life Transitions 💑
When I am carving Spectrolite I always hear the song
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna to let it shine"
especially the line....
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🌬 The Winds of Change 🌪
The strong winds of change
Stirring the leaves that have laid languid in the late summer sun.
Scattering the clouds across the sky, stretching them relentlessly
Tossing bygone dreams like tumble weeds down the hill of life....
Sabbatical is over, Let 'er rip.... (::::( )::::)
Ripping off the band-aid
Great concept a band-aid;
put something over the wound to protect it and allow it to heal faster.
We may do that with our hurting selves.
Put our heads under the covers, indulge in a glass of wine every evening to take the edge off, or numb out in any of the countless ways we do to protect us from feeling our wound.
Then the day comes when the band aid must be removed.