A Blessing for the New Year...
“For Equilibrium, a Blessing:
Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore,
May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul...
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Pendants for those touched by fire...
We would like to gift 5 pendants.
Gift a stone ally to those whose lives have been touched by this fire
and could use this support.
We are asking that you, our tribe, tell us who to give them to....
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Accessing our Brilliance...
10 days of fire being in the center of our lives in
Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Daily reports trickling in;
One friend's house is saved,
another's totally burned.
A beloved trail engulfed, the sacred labyrinth consumed.
New stories every day, so personal and close to home.
How are you?
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Praying for moisture...
Today, Thursday from 12-1
The studio will be open for being together.
Come if you feel called to resourcing each other
with a little help from the stone people.
I love you.
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Rarified Bubble Myopia
My exterior world has been filled with the Gratitude Sale
(which was epic BTW, brings us all so much JOY to be shipping off your new treasures!!)
and full “kick-ass” creation mode for the HOMESPUN show this Saturday...
My interior world has been on a quest…
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The light I recognize...
and the gorgeous light within you.
The innate wholeness we restore with seeing each other.
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All that is in store...
There is so much coming up,
The season is upon us!
And as always, I feel a growing excitement...
a little "deer in the headlights" freaked out about pulling it all off....
Click title for more.
I am not my hair...
I am not my hair...
I am often asked if I am going to grow my hair out again.
And I have heard myself say time and time again that I like having long hair.
I identify myself as person with long hair,
I feel comfortable with long hair.
And I admit I cringe just little every time I look in a mirror.
And that is why I cut it....
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Happy to evolve with you...
Opening wide and allowing the learning...
It feels like life right now is a steady stream of
huge epiphanies, core learnings, and heightened awareness....
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One of the most wonderful gifts...
One of the most wonderful gifts the stone world has gifted me is the children.
I had no idea when I start cutting stones
that I would have the opportunity to be connected to so many amazing kids!
To be a part of their lives over the years is exquisite!
Click title for the rest....
The Moon, Truth and Creativity
The full moon in Aries is shinning down upon us…
AND there is so much heaviness and grief happening...
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